Questions on my mind

«Lord, you always give me justice when I bring a case before you. So let me bring you this complaint:
Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy?

Jeremiah 12:1 NLT


Jeremiah wondered something that occasionally crossed my mind: why wicked prosper? Why do they often seem happier than me?

There are even people who apparently do not obey God with all their heart, but do it only with their lips; to whom also seems it goes much better than those who try to live according to the will of the Lord.

But God’s answer is more than interesting, we cannot understand or argue with the Lord why He lets it happens, the only thing the He tells us, is that the punishment for these people will come if they do not repent, but it will come in His time, and not in ours.

© David García Licona – October 2013